Spicy subreddit /r/Hotwife

About this subreddit:

This subreddit is for hotwives and their husbands who actively participate in the "hotwife" lifestyle, also referred to as "wife sharing."


  1. 1. Rule 1: No Solo Content

    Do NOT post any pictures/video of any solo women or men. Even if you are verified.

  2. 2. Rule 2: No Advertising/Spam

    No direct self-promotion, including but not limited to social media, other websites, and communication platforms. Spam may include karma whoring posts, memes, clickbait, unrelated content or "Check my profile / message me for more" type text.

  3. 3. Rule 3: No Requests

    No requests for dates or play partners are allowed.

  4. 4. Rule 4: Hotwife Only Related Original Content

    Content must directly relate to the Hotwife lifestyle or experience. No cuckold content. No ambiguity - if the content or title is not easily recognized as Hotwife related, it may be removed. All content must be original - no random porn pictures/video.

  5. 5. Rule 5: Keep it Civil

    Don't be an asshole. If you don't agree with something, just move on. This includes following Reddit's content policy.

  6. 6. Rule 6: Verification

    In order to post, you must be Verified. Read the verification rules for more details.

  7. 7. Rule 7: Post Frequency, Weekends for Amateurs

    Posting frequency is limited to once every 48 hours.

    To encourage more Amateurs to post, r/hotwife will reserve weekends for amateur content only. The new Hotwife bot will determine if an OP is a "for-profit" professional, and if so, will automatically remove the content. Monday - Friday will continue to operate as normal.

    Note that this rule applies at the time the post is submitted and is based on EST.

Number of subscribers:


Link to Reddit


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