Furries and hypnosis. Because mentally morphing into an animal is fun. Because entranced catgirls are sexy. Because giving someone a post-hypnotic suggestion to make animal noises on command is entertaining. Because why not?
This is already a sitewide rule
This includes racism, homophobia, transphobia, and so on.
This includes the word "trap" when referring to a. a trans person b. a person who looks female, but identifies otherwise
This is r/hypnofur not a politics sub.
This includes anthros, therianthropes, kemonomimi, fursuiters, as well as purely mental animal transformations.
This encompasses mind control and alteration in general, including physical transformations with a mental component
/r/furryfemdom (44.9K)
/r/rimmingtube (6.1K)
/r/tommykingxxx (42.1K)
/r/peggingyiff (20.8K)
/r/hypnostation (702)
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