Welcome to the ultimate destination for Desi interracial content! Our subreddit is a platform for all Desis worldwide to share their sexy content featuring foreigners from all races. From the passionate embrace of a Black beauty to the sensual touch of a White goddess, we celebrate diversity in every form. IMWF AMWF WMIF IMAF IMBF & more 👀☯️
This is a 18+ NSFW subreddit. If the person featured in the pic is suspected to be underage, the post will be removed and the user will be banned. This is a zero tolerance rule and bans for violating this rule will not be reversed.
Ensure that all posts and discussions are directly related to the theme of interracial encounters involving Desis and foreigners. Keep the content explicit, erotic, and aligned with the subreddit's purpose.
Do NOT post negative, hurtful, racist, religious, or sexist comments. If you don't like what you see you can move on. Assholes/trolls will be banned.
Use appropriate tags when posting content. Solo posters can use the "Solo Female" tag. If you are using this tag, make sure your title is related to this subreddit's theme!
If you have a creator whose content you want to share, credit them either in the comment or title, and use "Shared Content" tag. Your posts will be removed if requested by the creator!
Posting or requesting personal information, such as real names, addresses, or contact details, is strictly prohibited. Protect your privacy and that of others.
If you have an OnlyFans account or similar, you may post your link in the comments section or your user profile. However, avoid excessive self-promotion and keep it relevant to the discussions.
Do NOT flood the subreddit with multiple posts. This is as bad as spam. Club all your submissions into one album instead. Excessive posts will be removed. Repeat offenders will be banned. Respect the right of other submitters to be noticed!
This includes close up pics. Please allow us to see a little bit more of you body, more than a close-up of face/boobs/ass.
Write your username and the date on a piece of paper.
Crumple up said paper so it has wrinkles in it.
Take 3 photos depicting yourself. Preferably from multiple angles. Do not use any filters.
You can then send your verification pictures through mod mail to our moderators for verification.
*Already verified on another sub with similar rules? Just message the Mod Team and include a link to the post and we'll check it out!
Posts marked with the "Solo Female" tag must have a title that is relevant to the theme of this subreddit.
/r/nonmonogamy (160.6K)
/r/DesiAdultfusion (47.0K)
/r/desicreamer (47.8K)
/r/medical_fetish (12.6K)
/r/saynotodesibois (1.2K)
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