Girls in Jodhpurs
1: All models must be 18 years or older. Underage content will result in a permanent ban.
2: No porn, no anuses, and no spread legs. Frontal tasteful nudity is fine.
4: Links to sites selling anything, even Jodhpurs, are not allowed. It's not possible for us to check if you are actually showing content, or are the owner of the shop.
5: Anything you submit must contain Jodhpurs.
6: Content has to be decent to high quality. So no webcam pictures, or other low res or blurry pictures.
7: Apparently this needed to be said: spam = ban.
/r/nsfwfashion (279.5K)
/r/fashionextramile (57.9K)
/r/studioNSFWfashion (11.8K)
/r/thenakedmodelclub (1.9K)
/r/Sensual_photography (66.2K)
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