A place for global Malayalees and people residing in Kerala to show off their beautiful bodies. This Place is open to all genders and LGBTQ+ friendly, make sure you assign relevant tags before posting your beautiful content.
This subreddit is to be viewed by persons over the age of 18 only. By posting here you confirm that the pictures submitted by you are of you, or a person(s) who has given you consent to post here via a verification post using your username for verification. You also confirm that the age of the person(s) in the pictures is at least 18 years at the time the pictures were taken.
All submissions must contain a gender tag and post flair. Following gender tags are available - (f), (m), (mf), (c), (t).
No Doxxing or public sharing of personal info. If you recognize someone, keep it to yourself, and respect that person's right to remain anonymous. Revealing any information can result in a ban!
Do not make post links or adverts to other subreddits or websites. Any such posts will be removed and subsequent posts will result in ban.
Be civil to one another and respectful in your posts. Any posts or comments of kink shaming, racism and general negative comments are not allowed. If anyone is into humiliation roleplay or insults those should be in direct messages and not in the posts or comments.
Religion, Politics, Incest, Underage Content, Rape are not allowed in both links and posts as well.
All posts made here are only for display in the subreddit. No paid promotions or advertisements shall be made on behalf of the posts or content.
Do not post any extreme content such as scat, gore, furry porn, age play, rape play etc.
This is not a place for Solicitation or Prostitution. This applies also to paid couples or camgirls trying to promote their content. No Pic Begging and pestering the posters to post more content.
Post only content you own or you have permission to post. Moderators may ask for verification as and when required.
As mentioned in rule 10, the sub is a place for posting your own content and not for posting personal ads or meet up requests. Any such requests will be removed and the user will be muted from the sub. Muted users will have to contact mods to be unmuted. Repeating further will result in permenant ban from the Sub.
If the photo quality is poor. Examples: poor lighting or barely recognizable body parts, extreme close-ups of genitalia, posts will be removed at the mod's discretion.
/r/leggings_haven (67.3K)
/r/EroticGratitudeDiary (2.2K)
/r/PrideHaven (959)
/r/RedditsPornDude (3.4K)
/r/abelladangerxxxfans (8.4K)
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