NSFW place to post SoCal hookup requests, GW pics, and other local debauchery. Think of it as a Craigslist M4M replacement.
BE SURE to check rules below including zip code, flair, jff/of, escorting, drugs, and spam.
Mods and reddit are not responsible for any actions you partake in or repercussions.
ALL posts must have zip code IN [BRACKETS] in title
Reddit or mods are not responsible for anything. Be smart, be safe. Let someone know where you are going.
Any posts involving illegal drugs (smoked OR injected) will be removed immediately and user will be banned.
We do not allow members to utilize our platform to promote or sell items including products, OF, JFF, or other.
In addition, asking for or offering money for sex is against the law and against group rules. This will cause you to be banned.
In order to keep spam out of our community, we allow one post per account, per day.
Don't ask for a specific race. That's just you being a dick. Racisim isn't cool bro.
This sub is for hookups, not karma whoring. Mods will look in your post history to see if you have posted the same pic/similar pic in other subs within the same hour.
Only 2 posts allowed.
/r/CaliSissies (72.4K)
/r/philadelphiabetterR4R (18.4K)
/r/PensacolaAfterDark (11.0K)
/r/pennsylvaniadirtyr4r (48.5K)
/r/bimales4couple (584)
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