A safe and sexy place for sissies in the Los Angeles area to connect with daddies, other sissies, and more. We welcome sissies, daddies, trans folks, femboys, and more who live in the LA area or are visiting. Please review the post rules.
All titles must be formatted like "24 #City - Sexy Text"
No money exchanges, OnlyFans (or similar sites like JustForFans), sex workers, donation requests, professional mistresses/doms, or other similar "services".
No services includes: escorts, payment applications, mistresses, bots, and social platforms like KiK or Snapchat.
Professionals: Please do not use your "professional" reddit account. You will be banned if there are third-party content sites.
Do not include low quality content like links to third-party porn sites, porn, memes, etc.
Maximum of 2 posts per user in a 24 hour period.
Do not include personal information like your phone number or address in posts or comments. No doxxing.
Users who dox or otherwise share another users personal information will be banned immediately.
No transphobia, homophobia, kink-shaming, racism, or violence. Breaking this rule will result in an immediate ban.
No warnings provided. Users will be immediately banned.
/r/desifeet (19.5K)
/r/FanslyNewbies (44.4K)
/r/ThePleasureCenter (13.3K)
/r/RGVSwing (9.4K)
/r/Playboy_Gifs (73.0K)
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