Only Legal teens. The place for all the legal teen's to show off!
NO MINORS or suggestive content featuring minors. Posting underage ( or any reference to a minor ) will result in an instant ban and being reported to the admins.
NO POSTING MENTIONING YOUR RELATIVES. Posting or Mentioning your relative sister/brother/daddy / and so ( and the rest ) on would lead to a ban. We don't accept a post that can be seen as incest or something similar.
NO THREATENING/REVENGE posts are allowed.
NO GirlsDoPorn Screenshots.
SELLERS ARE ALLOWED TO POST WITHOUT ADVERTISING. This includes and it's not limited at posts and comments that contain any reference to their business:
Check my profile
Ask for video
Low rates now
Do you wanna see more
TOP 69%
and so on
Any mention of a website or non-reddit profile written or watermaked. NO LINKS on the redgif/imgur page posted here!
And any other method that leads or suggest their business
Don't use ANY Social Media reference on your posts/comments!
Don't ask for PMs/UPVOTES/LOVE in your post. If you want to post something post it.
NO SPAM - Neutral sites only, like imgur, gfycat, direct image link must end with ".jpg".
NO LINKS ON Imgur / RedGifs Page
CATFISHING/IMPERSONATING = BAN No titles that imply the girl in the pic is you if you aren't in the pic.
Please keep the picture or gif that you post clean, meaning no heavy filters, emojis or stickers.
Watermarks are completely fine as long as it matches your Reddit username and is not XL in size.
Don't flood the subreddit, you might post 5 pictures in a 12-hour window. Bot enforced rule
Don't Post in a ROW
Don't repost top 100!
Don't Delete your posts! If you think your posts doesn't fit here DON'T POST IT. Posting and deleting leads to a temporary or permanent ban.
Don't REPOST your images. Even if you've deleted an image you are not allowed to repost it. ( read the previous rule regarding deleting.
If you have a new account, please grow it elsewhere as you are not allowed to post here.
We don't reveal minimum requirements for posting, don't insist.
No non nude content
Self explanatory
/r/KanaMorisawa (5.1K)
/r/CircumcisedSenpai (25.0K)
/r/legalteentits (41.5K)
/r/BFFS_ (18.0K)
/r/1001waystocum (2.7K)
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