Premiere Texas sub ⭐️
Please add the Tags with brackets [Texan], [Texans], [Texas], [Lone Star] to the title of your post.
No solo male posts. Please use r/LoneStarDick for dick pics
Post submissions should be good quality. Examples of poor quality submissions include low res photo/video, untasteful dick pics, text posts with little description, etc.
No ads are allowed in post titles. This means no OnlyFans references, snapchat handles, personal websites, etc. You may post ads/links in the comments only on your post.
It takes a lot of courage to post NSFW photos/videos of yourself online. If someone posts something that isn't your cup-of-tea, please move on to the next post. Rude comments/behavior will result in an immediate ban without warning.
All races, genders, sexes, etc are accepted here. No one will be treated any different because of their identity.
No stickies are allowed on photos/videos. Blurring of photos/videos to protect anonymity is perfectly fine, but placing stickies to cover up nipples, vagina, ass, etc, is not allowed.
Users must be at least 18 years of age to view, access, post, comment, upload, or otherwise participate in the ongoings of this subreddit.
This subreddit respects the identity of its members. Members may choose to disclose information about themselves (i.e., location), but no member is allowed to disclose information about any other person.
Any attempt to disclose and/or request information about another person will result in an immediate ban.
Verification for the sub is optional. However, verified users will receive unique user flair to show off their status. At their discretion, the Mod team may request certain users be verified to protect the authenticity of the sub. Acceptable forms of verification: Verification photos from other reputable subReddits; or photos of you holding a slightly crumpled piece of paper with your u/ name and today's date. Please submit verification via Mod Mail.
Texans are allowed to post. If not a Texan, the post must have a strong Texas theme, either in title of content.
One post per 6 hours
/r/ChicagoSwingers (51.6K)
/r/Texastittys (128.9K)
/r/Etxfreaks (31.3K)
/r/808vids (3.7K)
/r/roanokesluts (3.1K)
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