Spicy subreddit /r/LoyalFansCommunity

About this subreddit:

Supporting our content creators and providing a place where they can promote their LoyalFans pages.


  1. 1. All posts and comments must abide by Reddit's site-wide content policy.

    Reddit's content policy contains eight very important rules that cover many common reasons that users are banned. You can read the full policy here: https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy

  2. 2. ALL posts must include your LF URL

    If you're a creator of LoyalFans, please include your LF URL in your post or as a comment after your post. Your URL MUST click through to your LoyalFans profile and not to your Reddit page.

  3. 3. Do not ask for upvotes (directly or indirectly).

    Asking people to vote up or down certain posts (like), either on Reddit itself or through social networks, messaging, etc. is NOT allowed. If unsure what is upvote begging, contact the mods and wait for an answer.

  4. 4. No advertising Discord, Snapchat, IG, Twitter, Telegram, or any non-LoyalFans platforms.

    You may not advertise anything other than your LoyalFans page.

  5. 5. Posts containing scat or waterworks are not allowed.

    Whilst we understand that some fans may be into this, out of respect for all viewers, these items are not permitted.

  6. 6. No hijacking of posts.

    Post hijacking is defined as posting an advertisement or unrelated content into another users post, including the mods. Post hijacking is both rude and a form of spam.

  7. 7. Dishonest or emotional calls-to-action forbidden!

    Dishonest captions are statements which are meant to get lots of attention but can be proven false such as "First time on LoyalFans."

    Emotional calls-to-action are things like "The last time I posted my breasts everyone down voted me" or "Every time I post my face people say I am ugly, prove them wrong!"

    "Looking for a boyfriend" "Looking to fuck one lucky Redditor"

  8. 8. Excessive emojis & non-standard fonts forbidden.

    Creators are not permitted to make a caption that contains any "non-standard" fonts. The reason for this rule is pretty simple - it's hard to read and it messes with our auto moderator. Likewise posts with excessive emojis will be removed. We do not say what "excessive" means. Just be responsible with emojis and if it feels like you might have too many you probably do.

  9. 9. Don't message users in our community with ads/spam.

    We do not allow the sale of paid promotions, coaching, or management services in our community. This includes sending messages to users you spot in our community. We have methods of knowing how you found the user and if you break this rule you will be permanently banned.

  10. 10. No excessive posting!

    Each creator is permitted to post up to 3 times a day, as long as there is a minimum of 2 hours between each post.

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