Mens swimsuit challenge irl. Women wearing men's swimwear. Either at home, or in public.
All women and female presenting individuals welcome. Check out our sister subs: r/MensSwimsuitChallenge and r/MSC_yiff
Underage content is not allowed anywhere on Reddit. Posting underage content will get you reported to the Reddit admins.
No creepshots or personal images. If an image isn't a self post, you must be able to link to the original poster. If you're not 100% certain about sharing an image, don't share it.
All content posted should be relevant to the sub, meaning that you should only post images of topless women wearing men’s swimsuits. Softcore, teasing images and gifs only. More hardcore images belong in r/upshorts.
Trans women and female presenting individuals are welcome to post here as long as it fits the general idea of the sub.
Please do not repost images that have been posted recently. Violations will be removed.
Refrain from harassing and annoying other users and intentionally posting hateful or inciting content. Just generally use common sense and don’t be a jerk. No homophobia or transphobia. Extremely bad behavior will get you immediately and permanently banned.
Content sellers are welcome, but your posts and comments should not be commercial in nature. You can casually suggest people to check your profile, but do not include links in your post or comments.
Commenters, similarly don't ask for links or try and solicit connections here. If you're curious, check a poster's profile. If they don't have links, don't ask or bother them.
Until I sort out tools to make sure all posts are consensually shared, this subreddit is self-post only.
/r/LingeriePlus (130.4K)
/r/HotwifeChallenges (213.6K)
/r/pornstarsinswimwear (8.3K)
/r/MenThongBikiniBeach (1.8K)
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