A community for open-minded massholes to show their bodies/experiences in a safe enviorment.
Violators will be banned and reported.
Trolling comments will be removed and violators banned. No exceptions.
Negative comments are not allowed. Please report them if you see them.
Reposts are subject to removal. Serial reposters and repost bots will be banned.
The content you make, must be made and posted by you. Do not post without the consent of all parties involved. Breaking this rule will result in a permanent ban and being reported.
Any Attempt to extract/post data or information from posters/users of r/MassachusettsGoneWild is prohibited. This will result in a permanent ban and reporting on site level.
If you see this please report it immediately.
No selling of any goods, services, memberships etc. Violators will be permanently banned.
Hate of any kind has no belonging here. You will be banned permanently
300 karma and 30 days account requirement minimum. You may move past this rule with exceptions from the mods through verification. Otherwise the post will be removed and multiple offenses will lead to a ban.
You will need to meet the guidelines via R10. Please send anyone of the mods a photo with a paper that has the date and your username. You DO NOT have to show your face, but just make sure you’re recognizable when comparing to the photos you post. Allow for at least 24-48 hours for approval and if that time has passed, then message us to follow up.
/r/BostonSwingers (8.3K)
/r/NylonBabes (81.8K)
/r/NSFWBaddragon (39.8K)
/r/NSFWFloGrown (5)
/r/MASwingers (18.3K)
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