A place for all the naughty girls in Melbourne Australia to share their explicit NSFW nudes!
We promote the sharing of explicit lewd erotic nudes here, so any use of prominent emojis/stickers/drawings to cover sensitive areas will get you removed or eventually banned
Excessive use of filters will also result in post removal
Past approved posts are good examples to follow, if you post is not alike those ones, it'll be removed
Cisgender women only. No male genitals
Original content and self-posters only. If we suspect you are posting someone else's content you will have to provide enough verification posts before we impose a temporary ban to you. Failure to do so will result in a permanent ban without being given any further explanations.
No grainy, out of focus, dark, low effort photos. No screenshots of videos. GIFs with poor image quality will be removed, please seek for a better approach to post vids or any motion images. Please put some effort into making your submissions enjoyable to most people to appreciate. Also, our existing approved posts are good references for what we like to see here (including image quality, posture, figures etc.), if your post is NOT like those post they will be removed without more explanation
Posters need to be in/from Melbourne Australia, or from other parts of Australia but have tight connection with Melbourne. If you're overseas and will travel to Melbourne soon, you may post but your posts are subjected to mod's discretion to be removed without giving further explanations
Sellers are more than welcome to post but please do not advertise or promote in the post titles or comments
Vote manipulation violates Reddit site-wide rules.
Titles that beg for upvotes or offer a reward in exchange for upvotes are not allowed
This includes meet-ups, hook ups, in-person services, snapchat, Instagram, even asking for someone to DM you on reddit etc. You'll be BANNED. Remember, this is a place to display, not to vendor.
We have a 0 tolerance policy for bullying/harassment/unkind comments on any kind. There will be no warnings, you will be permanently banned. If you wouldn't want someone to say it to you, don't say it to someone else.
Based on the mod team's judgement you're regarded not suitable for being a member of this sub due to various reasons, including but not limited to poor contents, lack of awareness or cooperation with our rules, suspected profiles or activities and etc. This is our final decision and no further appeal will be accepted.
/r/Fuckmeshoes (137.0K)
/r/Melbourne_gloryholes (9.4K)
/r/PakistanDatingHub (9.4K)
/r/melbournemeet (16.9K)
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