Sharing content that you legally own, not for Telegram or snaps. Do not ask who has photos of specific ladies
This is not ok, and content creators have come back to request that we shut this down
Police have made two busts in this group that Mods know about.
In order to make this a good reddit, some posts may need to be removed (For instance, 20 dicks in a row doesn't make a woman want to post here, or 20 "do you have her?" posts)
It just doesn't help this reddit and we would like this to grow to place for memphis ladies to post great photos
/r/DetachableBodyParts (3.8K)
/r/NakedIsNatural (14.8K)
/r/SpicyChatAI (18.4K)
/r/mommy_captions (18.3K)
/r/outdoor_peeing (12.3K)
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