Michigan Hookups for Real people, no solicitation, come to have fun
Community is for Michigan Residents, when posting must state city you are from and what you’re looking for (M4F,F4M), no solicitation of any outside sites such as, onlyfans, fansly, Telegram, you may post pictures, have fun and be respectful of others
Must provide a picture of yourself showing proof you are real, you must have your screen name, city and state, and real age with date wrote on paper in the picture with you
No solicitation for sexual favors in this group, no asking for or offering money for sexual favors allowed in this group
/r/PaiiZurii_MacroMastia (3.3K)
/r/gaysauna (12.3K)
/r/ZhezhiHentai (443)
/r/LAsissies (263)
/r/FrierenHentaiAI (7.3K)
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