Active believing Mormons, PIMOs, and ExMormons cumming together to share their naughty and erotic side.
Posters or subjects of a post must be over the age of 18.
Only post content of yourself or your significant other with permission. Heavy digital manipulation is not allowed.
Don’t harass. No negative comments, creepy messages, or unnecessary downvotes. Respect users privacy and do not ask for personal information.
Only use reliable hosts such as reddit itself or redgifs.
You must flair posts as NSFW. Verification is not currently required to post in this subreddit. Only post pictures of yourself or your significant other with permission.
If you would like verified flair, take three photos of yourself at different angles in each photo holding up a piece of paper you've written your reddit username, the current date (month/date/year), and the subreddit name on, then crumpled up and flattened out.
Post doesn’t fit the subreddit theme. No hook up posts, low-effort selfies, or low-effort captions. Dick/Male pics are heavily regulated.
Do not post the same photo to multiple subreddits with low-effort captions. No blurry/grainy submissions. No more than one post per 12 hour period. No reposts within 30 days.
/r/UP_NSFW (83.9K)
/r/full_nsfw (422.2K)
/r/happy_nsfw (182.3K)
/r/exmormonNSFW (8.8K)
/r/BookofMormonNSFW (16.7K)
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