An 18+ subreddit to view and post photos, videos, and gifs of men engaging in blow jobs with other men.
This is r/MrBlowJob therefore anything posted here must show a male sucking another male's penis.
Breaking this most common-sense rule may lead to your account being permanently banned without further warning.
You can't give or receive a blowjob if you're alone. There are other subreddits for sucking your own dick or a sex toy, this isn't one of them.
All solo content will be removed and you may be permanently banned without further warning.
We have zero tolerance for spam of any kind. Including posting ad-heavy links or repeatedly posting links to the same/similar sites.
This extends to any type of custom or premium content such as OnlyFans, Fansly, JustForFans, "Premium" Snapchat etc. As well as soliciting followers or subscriptions to any platform.
If we believe that your intention is to use the subreddit/reddit as an advertising platform - regardless of what you post here - you may be banned without further warning.
/r/Sonicnsfwgay (2.7K)
/r/cosplayHQ (54.7K)
/r/RedditsPornDude (3.4K)
/r/ImUpForAChallenge (95)
/r/RedditsSoftPornDude (330)
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