A place to post horny fursuit pics
We don't want the FBI behind us
C'mon, it's a subreddit related to furry porn photos, just a simple tail or paws is enough, you don’t need to have a fursuit or head to post
If you want to show other things like toys it's also ok
Be kind to each other or get banned :3
With this we mean no “I’m looking for x” kind of posts with no photo.
If mod team realices that the photo or video has the purpose of exposing someone without their consent. Your post will be deleted and you run the risk of getting banned from the subreddit
/r/Footpaws (27.9K)
/r/furrybooty (58.0K)
/r/FurryPornHeaven (43.2K)
/r/furrychastitym (8.3K)
/r/Fursuiting (377)
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