A new place for Curious, Bi and Gay Kiwis to chat
This means if you are under 18 (yes 18) do not post image of yourself or others under the age of 18 here. You will be permanently banned. If you see or suspect anyone is breaking this rule please flag the post and alert a mod immediately. See https://netsafe.org.nz/csam-law/ for more information.
Post titles must begin with your age as a number. Example: "25 Bi Tauranga looking for chat"
Keep your post titles short and on point - use the post body to add detail.
Do not post in all capitals (Titles, body text or comments)
Do not change font size (use of bold/italics is acceptable)
Paid links such as onlyfans.com are not permitted on this subreddit.
/r/HairyBearMen (59.2K)
/r/NZGirlsGW (220.9K)
/r/SLCNSFW (15.9K)
/r/nzmilfs (13.7K)
/r/HyperGodAi (314)
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