A place for users, enthusiasts, and the just plain curious to engage in thoughtful, friendly, and informed discussion of all things nasal snuff.
This subreddit is for snuff and snuff-related accoutrements only. Posts and comments unrelated to the topic—such as non-tobacco substances and partisan politics, among other things (that's not to say snuff-related legal issues)—will likely be removed, all at the discretion of the mods. If you feel your submission or comment has been unfairly removed, please contact the mod team and we'll discuss whether to uphold or rescind the decision.
In order to keep r/nasalsnuff safe, the discussion of buying, selling, trading, or any other type of personal transaction among members or users of the sub is prohibited. At the discretion of the mods, any post or comment that appears to reference a personal transaction may be removed.
/r/dippingtobacco (32.6K)
/r/pipetobacco (70.6K)
/r/VapingUK (11.1K)
/r/Snus (35.2K)
/r/AnythingRelatedToPorn (1.2K)
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