Gifs that are definetley NOT gay porn
The whole purpose of the subreddit is to share pictures or gifs that are from gay porn, but have sections (still images, frames, or cleverly cropped photos etc.) that appear as if they 'might' not be.
However, they must be unquestionably and verifiably from some sort of gay NSFW content, whether professional or amateur.
Everyone involved in all posts must be 18+
This is in reddit's TOS, the law basically worldwide, and our subreddit's duty to keep illegal shit out of here. If there is any doubt then we may request verification.
Reposts aren't fun for anyone. It is your responsibility as the submitter to make at least minimal effort to double check that what you submit hasn't recently been posted by someone else, or hasn't been very popular in the subreddit before.
Checking the /top posts of all time and looking at the current front page of the subreddit should be standard practice before submitting.
Do not ask for the source of any content submitted to the subreddit.
If the OP or anyone else knows where the image/gif comes from then they will share it. There's no need to ask.
/r/FullNSFWMovies (33.8K)
/r/MonsterGirlCaps (37.5K)
/r/GayNSFWFunny (79.2K)
/r/suddenlybestiality (6.5K)
/r/Thedirtyword (1.6K)
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