Octavia Red Porn
Don't post content from other performers. Octavia must appear in the pic/vid.
There is so much untouched content available. No weird AI images.
Shitty comments about anyone for any reason at all is grounds for a permanent, instant ban. Same goes for titles...no shaming or demeaning titles.
No spam, advertising, or self promotion of any kind. This includes spammy watermarks, crossposts, etc.
Please don't be weird. Don't post stuff containing stuff about her family and other weird shit. Focus should be on her adult work and nothing else.
People always ask for the source. Don’t comment some obscure website link that gives a computer/cell phone a million viruses. We will remove the comment.
/r/tommykingxxx (38.5K)
/r/OriginalCurvy (18.5K)
/r/OriginalPetite (18.0K)
/r/Originalcuties (12.5K)
/r/401hookups (838)
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