The largest & highest quality NSFW community on the Internet for Olivia Rodrigo.
Pictures, gifs, videos, as long as it is about Olivia Rodrigo. But please, no gossip or rumors. Any link to spam games will get you banned. Content promoting products in any way is not allowed.
Keep it classy, and be respectful to Olivia Rodrigo and your fellow Redditors.
Submissions and comments that are abusive, harassing, sexually explicit, or inappropriate are removed and can result in a ban: no "jerkoff" posts, comments, or usernames. This is a zero-tolerance insta-ban rule. Users who post in the jerk-off subs may not post here.
Invasive paparazzi pictures will be removed at mod discretion.
No DM or roleplaying requests.
No creep titles!
Titles should provide context for the image so users can search for more, and avoid body part specific/leering/sexual commentary at the very least. Low-effort titles like gorgeous and beautiful will be removed at mod discretion.
Titles, including on social media posts, should include the month/year in the submission and a description of the image, including location/event (where known), outfit description, etc., so that the post will be searchable. Actual links to social media are not allowed.
No recent reposts. No reposts from the top 100 of all time. If you are reporting a repost, please include the short link to the original post. Higher-resolution pictures are still reposts. If you repost your own content, you may well be banned. Please use Karma Decay or Google Image's reverse search to check if your pic/gif has already been submitted. Use Google Image's reverse image search to find the highest resolution before posting.
NO FAKES OR OVERLY SHOPPED PHOTOS - may result in a ban, serious offense. Images must be posted as published except for Quality AI-enhanced images. We ask that those titles include "Enhanced." Cartoonish/amateurish attempts will be removed solely at the mod's discretion. Don't complain. Do better. ! No X-rays or "bubbling." No watermarks. No emojis. No weird borders on the images (i.e., white or black bars). No text on images.
Also, the definition of NSFW
That includes any nudity, but also "implied nudity" (for example, a naked back, handbra, etc.), see-through and outline (nips, 'toes and oreos (areola), bush (from the cultivated landing strip to hairy tarantula), and any images using objects to obscure naughty bits that are not clothes. All, NSFW. When in doubt, tag it.
No Emojis!
Repeat violations of any rule will lead to a ban eventually. Also, make yourself familiar with Reddit's content policy if you haven't already.
No blogspam, covers, tributes, or mashups. Multiple images from the same set, photoshoot, or video belong in albums or comments. Albums cannot exceed 25 images. Collages can't exceed 3 images. Albums, collages, and collections must be from the same photoshoot. Users repeatedly posting low-quality collages deemed to be repost avoidance karma whoring will be removed at mod discretion. Mods may grant exceptions if the collage doesn't suck.
Additional images showing her face can be in an album with the main post or the post comments. A valid image source will also suffice to confirm identity.
If your profile mentions selling, you may not post here. This includes OnlyFans and links (linktree) to other selling sites in your profile. You will be banned.
Projectile posting is posting the same image in multiple subreddits in rapid succession. This is spam. You will be banned.
Submissions must be from Imgur, Reddit, minus, or gfycat. You are only allowed to post a maximum of 5 posts within any 24 hours period, & you should not hit that limit on consecutive days. Please don't spam the sub with posts. Don't be a karma whore.
No matter what age they are now, they must be above 18 in the picture posted. If you are unsure and can't provide proof, don't bother. This is a bannable offense.
Likewise, depictions of underaged sex or simulated rape or violence against women is not allowed.
Posting or asking for leaks or fakes will get you banned!
/r/Sabiha (2.2K)
/r/MaddyMay (10.6K)
/r/ColombianSluts (2.9K)
/r/AI_Partner (73)
/r/Disney_NSFW (33.5K)
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