This is the Open Minded / Bi sub for posting hook-up requests, meetings, meet-and-greets, parties and such. Only 1 PG rated pic is allowed. NO nudes (even edited), NO pornographic images and NO videos allowed.
No escort related postings and no posts allowed that even resemble prostitution in any way.
This sub is meant merely as a way for people in the lifestyle to make connections. We have a zero tolerance policy on prostitution, escort ads or anything that resembles sex for money posts. There may be some subs where that is tolerated but it is not here.
This is an adult board. No one under the age of consent (18 years old) should be accessing this sub or making posts or comments. If you're under 18 understand that you will be removed from the forum.
This sub is a safe place for all sexes and orientations. Attacks will not be tolerated.
Only PG rated pictures and only 1 picture. No nudes, no pornographic images and no videos
Only 1 PG pic is allowed to be posted.
Please read the forum rules. There is a sticky post to describe posting rules for this forum. Acquaint yourself to the rules and report.
Do not cross post messages here. If you want to leave a message please do but do not use a cross post from another sub.
/r/Missouriswingers3 (39.4K)
/r/SWVa_Bi_Guys (733)
/r/AZBiCouplesSwingers (7.7K)
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