Spicy subreddit /r/OvalNipples

About this subreddit:

A subreddit dedicated to celebrating women with oval shaped areolae a.k.a. elliptical nipples. Breasts and nipples of any size welcomed! Pictures of yourself are preferred but pictures found across the internet are allowed here, too. No pictures of minors (18+ only). Join us!

This sub is NSFW as it contains nude photos of women's breasts and nipples, at the very least.


  1. 1. No off-topic or non-conforming posts

    Pictures, gifs, or videos must show at least one visible adult (18+) female areola that is oval-shaped or elliptical. Censoring or covering the nipple(s) with anything is NOT allowed.

  2. 2. No spam, impersonations, or illegitimate links

    No spam or links to illegitimate websites with malware, redirects, paywalls, etc. OnlyFans links must be in user's profile or in one comment on the post. Link must lead to a legitimate hosting site. Stealing Reddit OC for impersonation/spam will result in a ban, please crosspost or give credit via comments.

  3. 3. No harassment

    Harassment, stalking, rude/offensive comments, racism, sexism, or any other forms of negative language are not allowed. We are an inclusive sub that wants to support our self-posters especially. Sexual comments are allowed and to be expected.

Number of subscribers:


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