An open room for adults 18+ in the PNW area to make it easier to find people with similar kinks, chat, meet, greet, share fantasies and taboos, find a third or fourth or another couple into the same thing.
Do not post any images that are not of you.
By joining you are confirming that you are over the age of 18, and that the page owner and mods are not responsible for any content. If you see something that should be removed please report it for removal.
Rules are Subject to change at any time
Be kind to others, and the Moderators. Any form of harassment, derogatory terms, are not permitted at all.
No selling/No promoting/No advertising/No asking for money or compensationin any way. This may include and not limited to any 3rd party outside websites/apps/social media. This includes your profile, posts, bio, and comments.
*Exception, if this is a local event or another subreddit you think would fit/work with this community Moderator approval is required.
No illegal activities of any kind, this may include and is not limited to Drugs, exchanges of services for goods, exploitation, etc…
Drugs are defined as any substance that is determined illegal by law. This includes local, county, state, and federal laws,rules, codes, etc...
This is for People who live in the Pacific Northwest only. This means Washington State, Oregon, North CA (Redding CA and north), & North Idaho Only.
If you are going to be visiting, you must seek approval from the mods prior to posting. Verification may be required if suspected of not living in the PNW
We do not issue warnings. Rule violations will result in either a temporary ban or a permanent ban. Time frames of length of ban will be determined by your history of violations, how many violations occurred and severity of rule violation.
Permanent bans are not appealable(Rule 10 exception)
If you feel a ban was given in error, please write the mod team and explain why nicely. Entitlement will just be ignored. Verification maybe required as moderator’s discretion.
Location is required. Must be in the Title only. Must include either City or state only. If no location is provided a temporary ban will occur to make aware and the post will be removed. If consecutively occurs a longer/permanent ban may occur.
No cross posting from other subreddits or your own profile.
Do not ask for or refer to upvotes in your post title or comments. No titles like "upvote if you want to see more", "only react if you would smash", or "if this doesn't get upvotes I'll delete". These are just examples, not an exhaustive list. Do not offer or promise content in exchange for upvotes or comments.
You are limited to posting once every calendar day. DO NOT SPAM THE SUBREDDIT!.
This includes but is not limited to your bio, post history, comment history,
Watermarks are allowed but must contain the full reddit username only including the u/
No low ditch efforts. Some substance to your post is required meaning the post body should contain some information. I.E. No felt cute might delete later, I'm horny, hit me up, etc..... Put some effort into your post as we are wanting to get to know you.
No DM/PM me in title or body of posts. You may leave a reply, or reply to a comment once then take it to DM/PM’s.
No repeat videos, pictures, or texts within 30 days.
Pics must be of yourself. Anyone posting intimate media must be able to log in to remove the media at any time.
If you would like to post with a spouse/GF/BF/Partner/SO your profile must clearly state that it a couples/throuples/etc... ran account.
Varying degrees of offenses could be subject to removal, ban, and possible reporting to local, state, or federal authorities (in addition to Reddit admin).
Additionally, if your filter is more filter than picture, we consider that to not be you.
/r/DfwBisexuals (18.8K)
/r/Seattlecumsluts (19.6K)
/r/captivatedgoonslut (2.0K)
/r/PNW_GW (10.9K)
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