Spicy subreddit /r/POVPornVids

About this subreddit:


  1. 1. 18+ only

    You must be over 18+ to view and post on the subreddit.

  2. 2. No Reposting

    You may not post content on here that does not belong to you.

  3. 3. Be Respectful

    Be nice! Rude, demeaning, or insulting comments will be removed, and repeat offences may result in a ban. You may not be issued a warning if the offence is judged to be bad enough for an instant ban.

  4. 4. Broken Links

    All posts must contain an active and working link to an image/gif/video/etc.

  5. 5. Spam

    Posting links to websites that contain spam, click-jacking, lots of adverts, or anything of the liking is not allowed

  6. 6. Selling products or services

    It is strictly forbidden to sell products or services on this sub.

  7. 7. No private snapchats, no kiks, jobudding

    Do not share your external profiles on here, this is not a sub for that.

  8. 8. OC only

    Posting non-self content (Non OC) is not allowed.

  9. 9. Against Reddit Rules

    Does this go against Reddit's rediquette / rules?

  10. 10. No Jo Buds/Soliciting Messages

    No soliciting private messages from users. For posts, you may not request messages in your title or via a watermark in your image. This includes "DMS Open" or "Message me for more" or "PM Me" style titles. For comments, the same rule applies. Users insinuating others to message them will receive a warning and repeated rule breaking will result in a ban from the subreddit.

  11. 11. No Advertising

    We do not allow any kind of advertisements on this sub. Including post titles, comments and watermarks. (In the case of watermarks, username watermarks are fine, but links or OF:{username} are not)

    We welcome sex workers to post on this sub, that's not a problem, but you may under no circumstances post any links on this subreddit. You may also not include links within your image, for example using watermarks. This includes any form of "Link in" or "Check profile for more"-esque texts.

  12. 12. Requesting Upvotes

    Although this belongs in rule 9 (Rediquette) many users seem to be forgetting it. Do NOT request upvotes or likes in post titles. This also includes posts like "For the n people who will see this" kind of titles. They are no longer allowed.

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