This is a subreddit intended to celebrate the exotic beauty of women from the Pacific Islands.
Don't be a dick or a troll This is an all-inclusive sub, do not shame/insult contributors, models, or commenters. Trolls will be warned with a 72 hour ban. Repeat offenders will have their access removed.
You may link directly to an image on any domain, but the link must be direct (i.e. do not post a link to a webpage with the image you want to share)
You may link to any website that contains a video you'd like to share; however if that site is (or even seems like it) spammy, shady, or otherwise going to harm/slow the user experience here - you will be placed in the "3 strike" program
Rules subject to change based on the best interests of the sub, and or the desires of the majority of the users. Democracy rules here.
We are, generally, not accepting posts from Redditors who "make money" from their posts. If you accept payment for any "service or goods" and use Reddit as a platform or as a vehicle to drive traffic to another site or service, we kindly ask you not to post with us.
/r/queerbodies (36.5K)
/r/thenakedmodelclub (1.9K)
/r/Sensual_photography (66.2K)
/r/boudoir_community (22.4K)
/r/ColombianSluts (2.9K)
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