A place for pics, gifs, and videos of females with their panties pulled to the side during sex.
This is a sub was designed for hardcore content. Due to the huge pool of great softcore posts we receive, we allow softcore content as long as it's flaired as such.
For the purposes of this rule, any sort of insertion would qualify a post as "hardcore".
Regardless of the nature of your post, please flair it as hardcore or softcore when you create the post. Incorrectly flaired posts are subject to removal.
Links to sources should end in .jpg .png .gif etc from the following hosts: Redgifs.com, catbot.moe, or i.redd.it
Posts that are dark, blurry, grainy, broken, or do not fit the theme of the sub will be removed.
Do not mention social media, content or products. No warnings will be given. Sell on your profile, not here.
If we notice that you're just posting the same image every few days, we're just going to remove the duplicates. Bring new content to the table.
If you would like the "Verified OC" user flair, please write on a piece of paper: your username, the date, and a mention of /r/pantiestotheside. Crumple the paper into a ball, and straighten it back out. Take at least 3 color pictures of yourself holding the sign, from 3 different angles. Upload them to Redgifs.com, catbot.moe, or i.redd.it, then send us the link. DO NOT use Photoshop or any filters.
We do not recognize other subs' verification.
Watermarks on images may only be of your reddit username (with or without the u/). Please do not post content that includes a watermark for OnlyFans, IG, or any other site.
/r/nsfw_bw (31.2K)
/r/FuckOutdoors (168.1K)
/r/DarkPassengerXXX (813)
/r/NotSafeForWork18 (3.8K)
/r/threesomemilfo (4.1K)
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