A FetishHaven Community Sub! For used panty sellers. Panty Sugar NOUN pant·​ie sug·​ar: The fragrant, crystalized substance found on the gusset of panties
NSFW, 18+ Only -All users must be 18+.
Seller Verification is Required
Keep it Legal -Do not utilize this community in a way that violates the law or Reddit’s Content Policy.
No Scamming -This applies to both buyers and sellers.
Zero Tolerance for Harassment -This includes but is not limited to racism, sexism, bullying, homophobia, etc.
Must be in Good Standing -All users must be in good standing with r/FetishHaven, r/FetishPlayhouse, and r/FetishBuyersCommunity.
This community is a niche market for nsfw fetish sales surrounding panties.
Panties must be the focus of all submissions.
This community is for advertising physical fetish items.
Online services are not permitted to be the focus of posts here. Instead, please advertise those in r/SellingOnline or r/Adultcontentcreators.
Post intervals must meet a maximum of 1x per 6hrs.
Repetitive violations of this rule will lead to a ban.
Titles such as "My rent is due", "I'm so broke", "Will do anything for money", "Am I hot?", "Please upvote", etc. will be removed. Your post must reference goods or services for sale.
All submissions must feature the account owner. Anyone else featured must also be verified.
Commenting your own advertisements on other sellers' submissions is not permitted. If you wish to advertise, you must submit your own posts.
Caption stealing is bad seller etiquette. Posts copying other seller's unique captions will be removed, and repetitive violations of this rule will result in a ban.
Links in titles are not permitted. However, you may post your links in the comments of your own posts.
Contact information such as telegram name, Snapchat username, email addresses, etc must not be included in post title. These can be included in a comment on your own submission.
Nudity is acceptable, but close up genital pictures/videos are not permitted.
All genders are welcome to advertise their goods. We do not discriminate against race, gender, or sexual orientation.
Anyone found being rude or bullying in comments to any seller will result in a ban.
Commenting dissatisfaction on a sellers submission is not permitted. Repeated violations of this rule will be considered harassment, and will lead to a permanent ban.
In a situation where you are not satisfied with an NSFW purchase, our mod team would first recommend respectfully reaching out to the seller in question to see if they can work with you to find a resolution. If that fails, the next options are for you to submit a review or report in r/FetishHaven and r/FetishBuyersCommunity.
/r/usedpanties (317.4K)
/r/FetishMarketSocial (16.2K)
/r/UsedPanties4u (62.2K)
/r/SweatyPanties (51.4K)
/r/SapphicPanties (11.6K)
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