A place where people who wanna role play or chat about parasites or similar fetishes.
Bullying, harassment, hate speech, or behaving like a jerk in PMs, posts, or comments will not be tolerated.
Posts must have at least 6 sentences worth of descriptive content.
Posts can ask for content or describe what they are looking for but must still be the required length.
Asking for complete stories is allowed but not encouraged as it may not be an equal exchange.
Posts should be tagged making it easier to filter out for people searching for a partner.
/r/MomEncouragementCaps (4.9K)
/r/petitesskatergirls (14.6K)
/r/tommyking55 (22.2K)
/r/ColombianCamgirls (69.1K)
/r/gokkun (85.2K)
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