PerfectBody, a community where the celebration of body perfection takes center stage. Girls with perfect bodies share their stunning pictures, allowing members to admire and appreciate their beauty. This is a space where confidence meets admiration, and every girl showcases her perfect body to be recognized by those who value the ideal form. Whether you're looking to admire or simply enjoy the visuals of body perfection, this community offers a space to celebrate Body perfection
1. Rule 1
NO MINORS or suggestive content featuring minors. Posting underage will result in an instant ban and being reported to the admins.
NO POSTING MENTIONING YOUR RELATIVES. Posting or Mentioning your relatives like: sister/brother/daddy / (and so on) would lead to a ban.
NO THREATENING/REVENGE posts are allowed. Please don't make any posts that can be seen like this.
NO DOXING Posting personal information (or pieces of info from IRL) about the girls in the pictures.
2. Rule 2
SELLERS ARE ALLOWED TO POST WITHOUT ADVERTISING. This includes and it's not limited at posts and comments that contain any reference to their business:
Check my profile
Ask for video
Low rates now
Do you wanna see more
TOP 69% Creator
and so on
3. Rule 3
NO SPAM - Clickbait titles
NO ADS/PROMOTING! Advertising goods or services for money is not allowed here.
Don't use ANY Social Media reference on your posts/comments!
Don't ask for PMs/UPVOTES/LOVE in your post. If you want to post something post it.
NO SPAM - Neutral sites only, like imgur, gfycat, direct image link must end with ".jpg". Don't try to post links or hyperlinks to other sites, you will be blocked.
4. Rule 4
Don't be RUDE or you will see the door. No degrading or negative comments. No strange titles or asking to choose or rate women.
NO DRAMA If you have any issues with any poster, please solve this elsewhere. Don't bring it here - As we are not a court of law, and we are not here to bring justice. Thank you - Mod Team
5. Rule 5
Don't flood the subreddit, you might post 5 pictures in a 12-hour window. Bot enforced rule
Don't Post in a ROW
Don't repost top 100!
Don't Delete your posts! If you think your posts doesn't fit here DON'T POST IT. Posting and deleting leads to a temporary or permanent ban.
Don't REPOST your images. Even if you've deleted an image you are not allowed to repost it. ( read the previous rule regarding deleting.
6. Rule 6
If you have a new account, please grow it elsewhere as you are not allowed to post here.
We don't reveal minimum requirements for posting, don't insist.
7. Rule 7
DON'T focus on genitals. This is not PUSSY / ASS / TITS - No body parts.
NO Dicks allowed, this is for girls only
NO Sex acts, there are plenty of other subreddits suitable for this.
NO OBNOXIOUS Watermarks.
NO ClickBait titles - See my profile, DM for more, and so on.