This community appreciates the beauty of phimosis. NSFW, contains nudity and is for 18+ users only! All posts shall include picture/video and be of yourself (Update: 1 post shall incl. your age!) Asking other members for advice will be accepted in comments, but if primarily seeking treatment try other groups for this purpose. The r/Phimosisappreciation is a place for those with tight foreskin and all their admirers. Let's keep this a fun and friendly place to get together :-) No arguing please.
Only those aged 18+ may post or comment at this subreddit. Sometimes it appears as obvious that somebody meet the age requirement or not, while other times it requires further investigation. Please report suspicious posts and accounts for everyone's safety. At least one of your posts (photos/videos) shall include information about your actual age. Please respect this requirement! We might have to remove suspicious posts while investigating to be on the safe side
Please act friendly towards others in the comments. Although we tolerate different opinions, there's zero tolerance towards hatred, threats, bullying or spiteful statements or comments. Let's keep this a nice place to be together.
This isn't the place for promotion of medical treatment/surgery towards phimosis. There are other subreddits who have this as their agenda. While our focus is to create a free space to enjoy what we have. Posts that include topics as phimocure rings or steroid cream for treatment is however accepted, as long as this isn't pushed onto anyone that didn't ask for it. Asking for advice is accepted, but to tell someone to go for treatment if didn't ask for it is regarded as unacceptable.
This is a place where anyone aged 18+ who happens to have phimosis may post photos/videos of themselves, alternatively where you are together with your partner(s). Posts made on behalf of others will be treated as off-topic. Posts that contains text only is not meeting the requirements. If you plan to break this rule then please remove your own post which lack a photo/video within a couple of days. We keep our right to remove any posts without further warning if it doesn't meet the requirements.
/r/smalltitsbiglips (244.9K)
/r/TightForeskin (23.8K)
/r/BBWperfection (18.1K)
/r/CircumcisedAndIntact (12.8K)
/r/nsfw_amature (6.8K)
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