Here for the enjoyment of female genital piercings. We do not accept male body parts at all. I don’t own any of the rights to content posted, so message me and let me know with verification if there’s any content needing to be removed. If you are rude/disrespectful you will be banned for life without warning.
Post must include picture or video. It must include piercings of exposed nipples, clits, labia, or any erotic piercing of the genitalia on the body of a person with these parts. Translucent material is okay as long as the piercings are visible. There will not be any warnings on banning if there is any male genitalia. Any content not following this rule or the header of page will be removed. 3 warnings and you will be banned.
This is not negotiable. If a mod member finds post to be rude, comments to be disrespectful, or if something is reported and we see that it falls into this rule, you will be permanently banned.
Do not double post. If we see multiple of the same post, they will be removed. We understand mistakes and glitches happen, but if it purposefully happens more than once, you will be banned temporarily for 5 days without being able to post.
Only media allowed are of breasts, labias, and clits. We realize not everyone with these parts are female, but we are generalizing the rule for less explanation.
We allow self promotion but not not allow requests for meetups. Take that to personal messages please.
If you do not adhere to these rules and you break them multiple times, you will be permanently banned. In addition, if you have been warned about videos being removed because they don’t play and flash, DO NOT CONTINUE TO POST THEM. You will get a 4 day ban, and then if you do it again you will be permanently banned.
/r/DiamondJacksonNew (17.8K)
/r/touhoes (356)
/r/LenaPaul (520.7K)
/r/SPHcomparisons (13.9K)
/r/homenudist (36.0K)
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