Only content that directly relates to pizza dares are allowed unless flaired 'other'
Do not post video's that are obviously fake/staged!
Talking about a fake video is fine but discrediting a video without proof isn't fine
Toxic comments will be deleted and the person will be banned.
Only use those two hosts when posting external content.
No discussions about "If a man did this he would be arrested".
Do not re-post something that has been posted within 4 months.
We encourage all participants to let the delivery person know what is about to happen before receiving the delivery (Through a message or a phone call). If the person is not okay with being filmed then blurring the face/entire body is required. We presume all delivery dares have been set up in a way that there is no forced exhibitionism onto anyone unwilling to participate.
We only allow female participants, if you want to post male videos, feel free to make a new subreddit for it.
/r/voyeurflash (716.5K)
/r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza (143.8K)
/r/BuiltForSupaBbc (18.2K)
/r/GWPublicSouthAfrica (8.7K)
/r/threesomemilfo (2.6K)
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