This is a subreddit for people who enjoy getting high,and are looking for like minded people for anything from a quick sexual hookup,to a relationship,and anything in between. It's often hard for drug users to find other drug users to meet,date,fuck,whatever! No need to be lonely or horny any longer. Join us to find what you're looking for! Singles,couples,any sexual orientation welcome!
You must be 18 or older to post here! This goes for seeking people who are under 18. Anyone under 18 or who is seeking to hook up with someone under 18 will be permanently banned.
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Futher violation of Reddit TOS will result in a permanent ban and possible site wide ban.
Do not engage in harassing or abusive behavior! Violating this rule may result in a permanent ban and site wide account suspension.
Do not spam the sub. We will ban all suspected spammers and scammers
Be respectful of your fellow users. Don't be a jerk
This sub is for everyone, we will not tolerate hateful comments towards anyone on account of their race, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, etc. Violators will be banned
No sourcing (asking for a plug or providing drugs for sale)
/r/HairyBearMen (63.9K)
/r/AnalCreampiePlunge (53.7K)
/r/SLCNSFW (20.2K)
/r/HyperGodAi (547)
/r/NSFWAIGapedart (442)
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