A footjob where the receiver is a woman instead of a man.
Content should include a foot/feet rubbing/touching/penetrating etc female genitalia. Other acts are allowed as long as it is in addition to this act.
It's basically a footjob, but on a woman instead of man.
Submissions and comments that are abusive, harassing, sexually violent, or inappropriate will be removed and can result in a ban: no "jerkoff" posts, comments, or usernames. No creepy titles. No leaks for fakes, these will get you banned.
Sellers are allowed to post here, however actually SELLING of goods and services is NOT allowed here.
Do not mention it in the post title, body, or comments. Do not embed a link into the picture. Do not put a giant watermark on your image.
DM/PM requests are not allowed and can result in a ban. This applies to posts and comments.
Please do not share personal info. That includes names, locations, personal accounts/web sites, or any other contact information.
Group multiple pics of a set into an album and one post. Do not flood the forum. There is a 3 post maximum per user per day.
Do not repost your own content. This may result in a ban.
Don't repost any recent or top posts here.
Underage models are not permitted and will be removed. Anything questionable will be removed at the mods' discretion.
This violates Reddit's sitewide rules and will get you banned.
Post high quality pictures. Pics that are blurry, pixelated, low resolution, or other forms of low quality will be removed.
No Instagram type filters. No black/white bars around images. Post the original source, not a repost/cropped/screenshotted version.
Your post should link directly to a hosted image (reddit host, redgifs, etc). Links to porn sites with an obnoxious amount of ads/malware/redirects will be removed and can get you banned.
New accounts need to be at least 30 days old and have at least 50 COMMENT karma before being allowed to post. This is to filter out spam.
Asking for karma in the free karma subs is not acceptable and can result in a ban. New accounts purging their comments will be banned. If you post in FreeKarma4U or similar subs you will be banned.
/r/GirlfriendsFeet (29.4K)
/r/fbb_NSFW (265.6K)
/r/Sweatymoe (31.1K)
/r/mommy_captions (18.3K)
/r/401hookups (838)
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