Q(ueen) o(f) S(pades) tattoo content
Post must include a Queen of Spades tattoo
If there's no commitment to altering the body to display the sentiment - it doesn't belong here.
Offering to buy or sell anything, either by post or comment, is prohibited. There are other subs for that.
This includes profiles promoting only fans accounts, etc. - even of there is no direct promotion in the post / comment.
It's a sticker, people - not a tattoo.
Temp tattoos don't demonstrate any commitment, even less so, when the design and site change across pics / picsets.
/r/QueenofSpades (345.1K)
/r/QOS (215.8K)
/r/LenaReifXXX (13.6K)
/r/TattedMILFs (40.7K)
/r/AI_QOS_MyWhiteBoyBNWO (766)
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