Spicy subreddit /r/Rule34ResidentEvil

About this subreddit:

Rule 34 Resident Evil --

We finally have a sub for Resident Evil Lewds, Gifs, Videos and more porn!! --

Post your Jill sandwiches!


  1. 1. Do not Spam

    Posting malicious links will get you a permanent ban.

  2. 2. Do not post underage Characters

    Posting content with Sherry from 1998 or Natalia Korda will get the post or comment deleted and a strike will be added to you. Depending on the moderators a Ban could be necessary action

  3. 3. Post only RE content

    Please do not post unrelated content to the community.
    Some other IPs from Capcom might be tolerated in some instances, such as DinoCrisis and Haunting Grounds

  4. 4. Mention characters' names in titles

    To ease searching and avoid reposting content, please mention characters' names in the title.

  5. 5. Credit the Artists

    Please try to credit the artist that created the content on the post title and if possible, add in the comment section a link to the source.

  6. 6. No reposts before 90 days

    Please use the search bar before posting to avoid making a repost before 90 days.

  7. 7. Be civil and respect each other

    We are an adult community, please behave as such. Respect others and their personal likes, fetishes, and creative licenses. Do not harrass, do not attack others, don't use racist language.

  8. 8. Rehost your media

    Please do not hot link to tumblr, twitter, etc.
    Rehost your media to catbox, Redgifs . Use direct links for media to display correctly. Or use the upload function.

  9. 9. No Ai generated images.

    Ai generated content is not allowed.

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