This sub likes big butts and it cannot lie Keep it safe for work or We'll deny Your post and comments Will not fly Do or do not there is no try
Everything must be SFW, No Nudity!
We have zero tolerance for "advertising." Don't try to use your post(s) or comments to redirect users
Anything that looks promotional will get you a ban.
We're all for posteriors here, your photo should be too
We know what this sub is about, but keep it classy. Comments that are rude/inappropriate will be removed.
Inappropriate messages are messages that may contain:
Violators will be subject to a temporary or be permanent ban.
Your title should be an honest effort to describe your photo and not an effort to engage the audience. Titles that ask people to offer opinions or general questions are not allowed and can lead to a temporary ban. Repeated violations can lead to a permanent ban.
Some Example titles that are not allowed include (but are not limited to):
Anything that appears to be an attempt to start drama will be removed. Please do not bring drama here, for example:
Remember the golden rule: If you can't say something nice(ly) then don't say anything at all.
Please do not post items that you do not have rights to share on the internet. If they are copyrighted elsewhere, you can't post them here.
Image posts only.
Moderators are tasked with making this subreddit true to the theme and ideas of the subreddit. As such they have the final authority to remove any post or comment they feel does not fit the character of the subreddit regardless on if any of the rules listed above are or are not broken.
/r/happygirls (365.6K)
/r/PrettyAltgirls (624.5K)
/r/studioNSFWfashion (11.8K)
/r/SexPositionFinder (3.0K)
/r/sfwfacial (3.6K)
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