This is a place for sharing and loving saggy breasts. Are they not the most beautiful thing you've ever seen? Our lovely Icon is the wonderful u/FunLovingBBW. Thank you, you're a dream <3
Must show bare breasts that are in a state of sagging. If they are covered too much for the sagging to not be visible enough, or if your breasts are firm and perky, the post will be removed. Saggy breasts that are not shown sagging will be removed.
If the post includes or focuses on other body parts, including your own or another person's, the post will be removed. We're here to admire your saggy breasts, not your hoo-ha or penis.
Don't be rude. If you don't like someone's body, nobody cares. Being rude or disrespectful will result in a ban immediately.
If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all. We don't care what it is: if you don't like that you've seen the poster on multiple subs, if you don't like that they own cats and not dogs, or whatever you have a problem with, it is not OP's problem. Comments that aren't in appreciation of OP showing you their saggy boobs are not welcome!
No ads, no hints, no teasers, no "DM me".
If you watermark your posts, you can only include your username as either your username alone, or with /u/ in front of it. You cannot watermark your photos with an @ symbol in front of your username.
Examples: My (ex, bf, husband) never liked (my boobs, my body, my face, my ass, to fuck me); if i only get x upvotes; if one person likes me; my auto response is on; OR using a title that has been used too many times over and over by popular posts in this sub.
Recycled posts are thinly connected to this sub.
Usually, a generic nude created for another sub and recycled here because "might as well try too".
These posts are not focused on breasts or show no significant sagginess but a decreased perkiness.
If we cannot see your breasts or enough of your breasts in your submission to appreciate their sagginess, the post will be removed. Censored nipples are not allowed.
People posted here must be aware and willing, including spouses.
Do not pretend to be the person in the image if it's not you.
You cannot leave comments asking our posters to post in your subreddits multiple times or submit posts that asks for our posters to do so within the title. Comments linking to other subreddits will be removed on the spot.
It is not allowed the cross post your or another user's post even if on-topic or of great quality. Ask OP to come post it herself.
No minors, teens, children, or infants in any way, shape, or form, including any aspect, from title of post (in most cases) to comments, are allowed at all in absolutely any form.
In fairness to the community and to prevent spam, do not post more than 2 posts to the sub in a 24 hour period.
/r/sunnynudes (26.9K)
/r/StretchedUdder (142.3K)
/r/hairypie (65.0K)
/r/BBWSpread (22.2K)
/r/Normalizebreasts (1.1K)
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