Selling Mens Used Underwear. No NSFW posts
Do not spam by posting back to back. Wait a day or two or until there are other posts in between. If you break this rule you will be banned for 24-72 hours whether you did it intentionally or by accident (reddit double-posting) doesn't matter, check your profile after posting to see if it double posted by accident. Repeat offenders will be banned permanently.
No Ads, No Promotions of Any Kind e.g. onlyfans, youtube, links to websites etc - Direct selling only, that's what the sub is about. This goes for posts and comments. Users may be banned
Posts and comments may be removed without warning at mods discretion to reduce spamming, abuse etc. This goes specially for posts featuring nudity. Users May Be Banned as a result
/r/smalldickproblems (56.5K)
/r/RoleplayEpith (4.8K)
/r/Bangaloresluts (92.6K)
/r/vspinknsfw (1.1K)
/r/GoonFeet (13.0K)
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