/r/Sexsells is an open market to buy and sell adult items and services. We hope to create a safe, sex-positive community where buyers and sellers can seek or offer adult services with few restrictions. Many other sites require fees and memberships, here all sellers are independent and can manage their sales as they see fit. Verification information is pinned at the top of the front page.
All sellers must be verified to post, comment, or respond to buy ads.
All [buy] ads must be filled out completely and include all sections: Service(s) Needed, Budget, Specifics (requests, kinks/fetishes, time requirements, etc.), Type of Seller I'm Looking For (age, race, dom/sub, body type, etc.), Preferred Payment Method(s).
All seller ads must include a comment with services, prices, and payment methods.
Sellers are allowed only 1 ad on the front page, the front page is the first 25 posts on the "hot" page.
/r/ABDLMarket (10.9K)
/r/KINK3Dexchange (6.0K)
/r/FetishMarketSocial (16.2K)
/r/GymSocks (23.0K)
/r/UsedPantiesCanada (8.2K)
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