Post pictures videos, and stories of shitty ramen, because not everyone can make ramen look good
Seriously; No one wants to see your turds. Your shitty Ramen has to still be edible.
Trolling, harassing, being obnoxious, etc. aren't allowed. Follow reddiquette
If your posts are just you spamming your youtube channel or website to every sub with the word 'Ramen' in it, please take them elsewhere. If you want to be a community member you'll have to actively participate.
We all love a good meme but they don't fit the theme of the subreddit.
We aren't terribly fussed if your submission isn't actually your own creation or if you reposted it from somewhere else. We only ask that if it's from another redditor that you request that they crosspost so that they get a chance to engage with the /r/shittyramen community. If they don't respond or crosspost themselves within a few days, feel free to crosspost here but please credit OP in the comments. If they do not want their stuff cross-posted please respect their wishes! Thank you.
In these modern times most of you have a computer that's 10,000 more powerful than the one we used to send people to the moon with in your pockets. You know what we don't have? Heads that are attached sideways.
Our Ramen is gross, But our poetry is not. It must be haiku!
Let's face it; animals without faces are not really something anyone should consume. They're mostly filters and other undesirables. Posts containing animal products must be from animals you know had a face! Exceptions will ONLY be made if your faceless animal is decorated with googly eyes, a fake mustache and/or a tiny hat.
Nonsticked Cucumbers and Pickles are the #1 cause of nonsticked cucumber and pickle related injuries in the world today. That's why we here at /r/shittyramen implemented the cucumber-on-a-stick and pickle-on-a-stick post flair. Please help stop nonsticked cucumber and pickle related injuries; Put your Cucumber or Pickle of a stick today!
Vienna sausages are only Vienna sausages if they're from Vienna, Austria. Otherwise, they're just sparkling white hot-dogs. Please refer to them appropriately.
/r/dudeoir (721)
/r/thenakedkitchen (9.9K)
/r/FemboyFeetPics (33.5K)
/r/susssssssssss (130)
/r/letsshootthis (924)
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