A place for appreciating Sissies and feminine AMABs.
This is self explanatory. You must be 18+ to post here for obvious reasons.
If you violate the sub rules, your post and/or your account may be removed/banned.
Excessive posting to the point of being considered SPAM will result content removal and account suspension to ensure this community is kept safe.
There are tons of other subs for advice, stories, etc. Please do not post blog, advice, or any text posts. If you'd like to make a text post maybe head over to r/sissy
Any items that are Re-post(s), Re-blog(s), Fakes/Faceapps, Cartoon, Dare, "Tasks", captions (pictorial or videos) or "In Box" Posts will be flagged as SPAM and removed.
Reposts also includes content that is repeatedly posted, deleted and re-posted. Interacting with these will also result in a ban.
Don't try to redirect attention to other subs, forums, etc. However, it is acceptable to crosspost from a related sub.
The content of your post must include a person who exhibits both feminine and masculine traits, alike a Femboy, or Transfemme. These are independent labels- a sissy is not automatically transfemine or a femboy.
This rule will be enforced at a moderators discretion.
Posts advertising Mistress, Sissy Slaves, Owners, Dominatrix, or similar are not allowed. There are other subs for that.
The nudity here is 100% free! We wish to remain separate from all money making endeavors, so that /r/sissies remains a place where people post only for the thrill and pleasure of it.
No Pandering for, comment farming, or Manipulating Upvotes. Do not pander, ask, or offer rewards for upvotes in your post. (ex: Chastity for every vote, 100 likes and I'll..., Thank you to the..., etc.).
Do not post "just say [one word]" style posts / “say Hi” in comments, just say yes, drop an emoji, Yes or No etc.
Posts deemed to be only for the purpose of farming responses will be removed at the moderators discretion.
Vote manipulation is annoying for us, so please don't engage in it.
Don't make creepy, threatening, abusive, or malicious comments. Engaging in this behavior will result in a mute or ban.
If you see another user breaking this rule, please tag the modteam or report user.
Do not try to claim other people's content as your own. If you use someone's content you must credit them in the post.
Don't post SnapChat, OnlyFans, Wicker, Twitter, Kik, etc. usernames. This includes addresses, phone numbers, and personal information.
Non verified users require an account age of at least 15 days to post. If you wish to post before you have an account age of 15 days, follow the verify user steps.
Users require a combined karma of at least 150 in order to post or 25 to comment. This can be found by combining your post and comment karma together. Award karma does not count.
If you wish to post or comment and don’t have the required Karma please follow the “how to verify” instructions in the community information.
Solo dick pics on men, aka thirsty dic pics will be removed.
This includes posts with such on this, sit on this, rate my dick etc.
Please do not post cartoons, captions, dares etc. There are other sissy subreddits for that sort of thing.
Posts will be removed at the moderators discretion
Please ensure posts have original content such as gifs, pictures etc. no text only posts, blogs, screen shots.
/r/SissyFemdom (208.5K)
/r/SissificationProject (192.5K)
/r/SissyGPT (3.4K)
/r/MakeAmericaBrownAgain (15.1K)
/r/RedditsPornDude (3.4K)
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