A place to post all your Sissy style porn. All are welcome, sissy, tgirl, crossdresser, tranny. But sorry no hairy panty wearers. Also no Mistresses spamming the sub with adverts.
We accept most types of porn but have to draw the line somewhere. Hairy panty wearers will be removed.
This sub is for posting photos and videos of Sissy Porn only. There are other subs dedicated to other types of porn.
You can include a single watermark for your website or social on photos and videos. However they must be discreet and subtle. Ideally in one of the corners. Posts with watermarks and links that dominate the picture or video will be removed.
Posts begging for porn to be sent to your inbox will be removed
This sub is for sissy porn. If it's not porn then don't post it. People have different ideas about what constitutes porn so to be clear the post must include something sexual, titillating or erotic. (Mods decision is final)
Mistresses and escort services are not allowed to advertise or promote themselves on this sub. This includes offering things like Sexting, live chat etc.
/r/Sissiesinaction (187.4K)
/r/SissyUpskirt (16.2K)
/r/trappyfeet (28.6K)
/r/AzSissies (17.0K)
/r/SexDollWorld (8.6K)
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