SizeQueenHaven for sharing the following, Sizequeen related content, women enjoying large penises, and women showing there enthusiasm or preference for large penises.
No posting of any minors. Zero tolerance violators will be banned and reported!!
You must be approved to post solo dick pics and you most likely won't be approved. I have to be very selective.
No advertising or promoting in your post or the title of your post or the comments of your posts.
No links in the comments
Don’t be rude. There is a zero tolerance policy for Trolls!!
No more than 4 posts within a 12 hr window with at least 2 hrs in between posts.
You can post as many images as Reddit allows you in one post.
Please do not flood the sub with posts.
Do not ask for upvotes in the title of your post or the comments.
/r/slightlychubby (213.1K)
/r/sunnynudes (26.9K)
/r/EroticGratitudeDiary (2.2K)
/r/DesiNSFWSubs (143.8K)
/r/401hookups (838)
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