Spicy subreddit /r/SlaveAuctions

About this subreddit:

A subreddit for pictures, videos, and stories of (fictional) slave markets and auctions.


  1. 1. Rule 1: Be civil

    Rude or bigoted comments and posts may be removed.

  2. 2. Rule 2: Post only relevant content

    All posts must show or directly imply some sort of (fictional) slave auction, as described in this post.

  3. 3. Rule 3: Amateur photographs must show proof the subject agreed to be posted here

    Amateur photographs are not allowed unless the subject is holding a sign with their username and the subreddit name (r/SlaveAuctions) written on it (other details such as a "starting bid" are encouraged, but those two bits of info are the bare minimum).

  4. 4. Rule 4: Use reliable & reputable websites

    Use direct links to images. Try to host them on reliable sites or Reddit itself.

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