Spicy subreddit /r/SocalHotBabes

About this subreddit:

A SoCal sub dedicated to all hot babes! This is a judgment free 18+ inclusive space for all SoCal locals to share their sexy sides!

Part of the r/SocalGoneWild network ✨

If you're trying to post, make sure to check verification requirements ⬇️


  1. 1. r/SocalHotBabes is a space for anyone 18+ who enjoys getting naughty in SoCal

    This sub is for locals only. Mass posting across a bunch of non local subs will get you banned.

  2. 2. Verification / Original Content Only

    Verification is required for all posters of r/SoCalHotBabes. Consent is an absolute key to fostering a positive environment on any subreddit. We will accept verification from other top rated subs like r/SoCalGoneWild, but priority & recognition are granted to anyone that post r/SoCalHotBabes specific verification. Original Content only, this is why we verify! If someone is posting your content here without your permission please let the mods know.

  3. 3. Inclusivity / Adults Only

    r/SoCalHotBabes is a sub that any adult (18+) Redditor can post to regardless of gender identity.

  4. 4. Locals Only

    We encourage users to flag those others who post in multiple locations.

    Post history is reviewed to determine if users are posting in multiple locations.

    We do not allow hit and run mass spammers or excessive bulk posters.

  5. 5. Selling / Soliciting / Advertising

    Sellers are more than welcome to post here but please do not advertise in your title, picture, watermark, comments or in any way at all. Doing so will get you banned. Soliciting people to DM you, visit your profile or bio is considered in this.

  6. 6. No Doxxing / Don’t Be a Dick / No Trolling

    Do not harass or incite any negativity towards any posters or you will be promptly banned without warning.

    Report any comments or threads you find abusive. If you come across a user being mean spirited or posting personal info, click the report link.

    Do not EVER respond to trolls. Instead, report them!

    Do not make comments that are: Rude, Harassing, Threatening, Malicious, Creepy, Mean-spirited, Shaming, or Name calling.

    DO NOT DOX, Respect the anonymity of our users or be banned.

  7. 7. No Baiting / Asking for Upvotes

    Asking for upvotes is against Reddit policy and will earn you a permanent ban. Vote manipulation violates Reddit site-wide rules, using titles like "show me love", "no one sees my post", "doing a social experiment.” "hello to the xyz people who see this" are bait upvotes titles that will got you banned. No Warnings.

  8. 8. No Spam / Do Not Spam the Queue / No Bulk Posting

    If you post the same content to other subs more than 6x total in a day, you will be viewed as a spammer. Spam is considered sending/posting bulk data to indiscriminate recipients. No more than two posts per day (24 hours). No posting the same image multiple times.

  9. 9. No Contact Info / R4R / Meets

    On all post, photos, videos or titles: You may not direct users to your personal pages or platforms. You may not list contact information such as numbers, usernames, or websites. You may not use icons or symbols to watermark. You may use u/username to watermark.

    Absolutely no “R4R”, “looking for”, “ISO”, “Unicorn Hunting”, “Meet” or any other variety at mod discretion. There are plenty of very active R4R subs, this is not/will never be one of them.

  10. 10. No Excessive Filters / Low Quality Post

    Please submit decent image/video quality when posting. Pixelated gifs/images/vids that are low quality/blurry, and heavily filtered photos will be removed at mod discretion.

    • No snapchat/instagram filters

    • No stickers/emojis

    • No photoshop/airbrushing

    • No censored "bait" posts

    • No screenshots

  11. 11. This sub is for erotic photos

    Nudity is not required, however all images should be at least of somewhat erotic nature.

    Please do not post dating app/ profile-like photos on our sub.

    Please do not post illicit drug use on our sub.

    We recommend R4R or Personals for nonerotic posts.

  12. 12. For Posters with a dick - Show a clear amount of Face {*Please Read This Rule before Posting*}

    All posts must contain at least one photo that shows 2 of the following 3 facial features: full mouth, full nose & full eyes; or, if a profile shot, showing at least 2/3rds up to the full half of your face.

    No flashs, steam, blurring, face-filters, or any other thing that makes your features unintelligible.

    Videos must include at least 2 - 3 seconds of qualifying face visibility.

  13. 13. For Posters with a dick - No Extreme Genital Close Ups {*Please Read This Rule before Posting*}

    Absolutely, positively NO EXTREME GENITAL CLOSE UPS.

    Your dick should not be the main focus of your post, if you could hide your facial features with your dick, it's too close. Think it over twice & thrice before you post.

    Regardless if it's a single picture post, an album, or posted in the comments, that specific post and/or comment containing any close-up dick pic(s) will be removed. No exceptions. Violations will likely result in a ban.

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