Only erotic female Photos & GIFs (Selfshots & Couple Content (Explicit or not) are welcome (Artistic form only) (Sexual content allowed only for Erotica & Vintage Porn & Erotica) (+18)
Only content where a female character is the primary focus is allowed. Couple content is permitted as long as the female remains the central subject of the post. Please ensure that the content adheres to this guideline to maintain consistency with the subreddit’s theme.
To prevent spam and ensure quality, users are limited to a maximum of 4 posts per day. Please be mindful of this rule to maintain a balanced flow of content and avoid overwhelming the subreddit. Excessive posting may result in content removal or further action.
This subreddit is for adults only. You must be 18 years or older to participate and view the content. Any post that violates this age restriction will be removed. Please ensure that all content aligns with the rules regarding mature themes.
Posts featuring leaked content from OnlyFans or any other paid content platforms are strictly prohibited. If you are sharing content that is not your own, please include the name of the creator or model to give proper credit. Only original content created by the user or with explicit permission from the creator is allowed. Violating this rule will result in content removal and potential bans. Please respect the rights of creators and their work.
Posts containing AI-generated content or deepfakes are strictly prohibited. This includes any images or videos created using artificial intelligence or altered to misrepresent individuals. Only authentic, original work is allowed. Violations of this rule will result in content removal and potential bans. Please ensure that all contributions respect the integrity of individuals and their likenesses.
Sexual content is permitted only if it falls within the categories of Erotica, Vintage Porn, and Vintage Erotica, provided that the focus is primarily on the woman. Posts that do not adhere to this guideline will be removed. Please ensure that all content aligns with this rule to maintain a respectful and relevant community atmosphere.
Only the owners of the posts who are content creators, photographers, or models (amateur or professional) can share their social networks in the comments. This rule ensures that the promotion of personal accounts is exclusive to those contributing original work. Please refrain from sharing links if you do not meet this criterion.
Respect is paramount in our community. Any form of racism, discrimination, or hate speech based on race, gender, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic will not be tolerated. Posts or comments that violate this rule will be removed, and users may face bans. Let's create an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome and valued.
Content featuring genitalia or bodily fluids such as squirts, urine, semen, or spit is allowed in this subreddit, provided that the focus is primarily on the woman. Such content must be presented in a respectful and non-excessively graphic manner. Posts that violate these guidelines may be removed. Please ensure your content aligns with these rules to maintain a safe and welcoming environment for all users.
/r/GoldcoastQldAfterdark (21.3K)
/r/MirrorSelfie (453.6K)
/r/Blackedraw_mirror (13.5K)
/r/prodomming (1.3K)
/r/JapaneseGokkun (59.6K)
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